Arrangement may look different, the arrangement that is delivered contains the same number of flowers but they are arranged throughout the entire bouquet which may make it look different than what was pictured.
Bridesmaid Bouquet Sweet Words
Poms and roses, tied up with a beautiful ribbon.
Bridesmaid Bouquets usually coordinate with the bridal bouquet but complement their dress. In most cases bridesmaid bouquets are a smaller version of the bride’s bouquet.
Please select your ribbon colors below, write any special instruction for your order at the Comment Box, enter your quantity and click on the add to cart button to put it in your shopping cart, as simple as that.
Additional information
Select Poms First Color | White ( Daisy & Cushion), Yellow ( Daisy & Cushion), Assorted, Bronze ( Daisy & Cushion), Hot Pink ( Daisy & Cushion), Lavender ( Daisy & Cushion), Light Pink ( Daisy & Cushion), Purple ( Daisy & Cushion), Red |
Select Roses Color | Assorted ( Your Mix ), Bicolor Yellow / Orange, Bright Red, Dark Red, Hot Pink, Lavender, Light Pink, Orange, Peach, Salmon, White, Yellow |
Select Ribbon Color | Antique Gold, Aqua Blue, Black, Brown, Cream, Dark Green, Hot Pink, Light Blue, Light Pink, Lime Green, Natural Fiber, Navy Blue, Orange, Plum, Purple Iris, Scarlet Red, Turquoise, White, Wild Rose, Wine, Yellow, Bronze, Burgundy Red, Fucsia, Green Flora Tape, Olive Green, Pale Blue, Purple, Red, Silver Grey |