Leather Leaves (Fresh Filler)


Recommended delivery date is 2 days before your event. If your event is Saturday suggested delivery date is Thursday.

Greens are available year round*

Each stem is approximately 12 to 20 inches in length and 5-8 inches wide.

Expected vase life is an average of 8 days.

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Product Details

Recommended delivery date is 2 days before your event. If your event is Saturday suggested delivery date is Thursday.

Greens are available year round*

Each stem is approximately 12 to 20 inches in length and 5-8 inches wide.

Expected vase life is an average of 8 days.

Since Greens are a product of Mother Nature and due to variation in monitor resolutions, the exact color tones of this Green may vary to some degree.

Package contents and prices are based on availability and are subject to change due to weather and market conditions.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee.


In the event that a substitution may be necessary to make certain that your flowers are delivered on time, we take the utmost care in assuring that your order is as similar to your original flower choice as possible even if this means substituting flowers of higher value. While we will always try to inform under these circumstances, flower substitutions may be shipped without verbal confirmation from you.

We recommend scheduling these flowers to arrive 2 or 3 days before your event.

Orders for this product must be placed AT LEAST 7 days prior to your desired delivery date. For rush deliveries (less than 7 days lead time), please call us toll-free 1-800-517-3919 as we may be able to accommodate your order. Rush orders are subject to a shipping surcharge.

All Wholesale Leather Leaf and bulk Ferns will perfectly suit your expectations.

Additional information

Choose Units Per Box

1 Pomander Flowers Balls, 2 Ivy Bunches, 2 Pomander Flowers Balls, 4 Pomander Flowers Balls, 5 Kales Stems, 5 Lily Grass Varieg, 5 Stems, 5 Ivy Bunches, 5 Oncidium Stems, 5 Foot Garland for $88, 6 Pomander Flowers Balls, 8 Pomander Flowers Balls, 10 Oncidium Stems, 10 Stems, 10 Centerpieces, 10 Ivy Bunches, 10 Anthurium Stems Leaves, 10 Lily Grass Variegated Bunches, 10 Foot Garland for $132, 15 Foot Garland for $162, 15 Ivy Bunches, 15 Succulents, 20 Cocculos Stems, 20 Lily Grass Variegated Bunches, 20 Kales Stems, 20 Mini Gerber Daisies, 20 Foxtail Stems, 20 Ruscus Stems, 20 Oncidium Stems, 20 Flax Leaves Stems, 20 Pine Stems, 20 Centerpieces, 20 Tree Fern Stems, 20 Stems Dusty Miller, 20 Ming Fern Stems, 20 Stems Pittosporum Variegated, 20 Leather Leaf Stems, 20 Stems, 20 Foot Garland for $202, 25 Anthurium Stems Leaves, 25 Roses Buds, 30 Eryingium Stems $50, 30 Centerpieces, 30 Succulents, 40 Lily Grass Variegated Bunches, 40 Foot Garland for $355, 40 Kales Stems, 40 Oncidium Stems, 40 Stems, 40 Centerpieces, 40 Stems Giant Mango/Orange Calla Lilies, 50 Leather Leaf Stems, 50 Roses Buds, 50 Anthurium Stems Leaves, 50 Foxtail Stems, 50 Foxtail Stems, 50 Flax Leaves Stems, 50 Stems Dusty Miller, 50 Tree Fern Stems, 50 Ming Fern Stems, 50 Stems Pittosporum Variegated, 50 Stems, 50 Stock Stems / 5 Bunches, 50 Eryngium Stems $80, 60 Succulents, 60 Cocculos Stems, 60 Foot Garland for $424, 60 Ruscus Stems, 60 Stems, 60 Pine Stems, 70 Mini Gerber Daisies, 80 Lily Grass Variegated Bunches, 80 Foot Garland for $532, 100 Anthurium Stems Leaves, 100 Stems, 100 Eryngium Stems $135, 100 Foxtail Stems, 100 Roses Buds, 100 Kales Stems, 100 Flax Leaves Stems, 100 Tree Fern Stems, 100 Foot Garland for $700, 100 Pomander Flowers Balls, 100 Ming Fern Stems, 100 Stems Pittosporum Variegated, 100 Carnation Heads, 100 Stems Giant Mango/Orange Calla Lilies, 100 Leather Leaf Stems, 100 Stock Stems / 10 Bunches, 100 Stems Dusty Miller, 120 Ruscus Stems, 120 Succulents, 120 Cocculos Stems, 120 Pine Stems, 120 Stems, 140 Mini Gerber Daisies, 150 Stems, 150 Tree Fern Stems, 200 Roses Buds, 200 Eryingium Stems $255, 200 Stems, 200 Cocculos Stems, 200 Foxtail Stems, 200 Ruscus Stems, 200 Foot Garland for $1220, 200 Flax Leaves Stems, 200 Pine Stems, 200 Ming Fern Stems, 200 Stock Stems / 20 Bunches, 200 Stems Dusty Miller, 200 Leather Leaf Stems, 250 Cocculos Stems, 250 Ruscus Stems, 250 Pine Stems, 250 Carnation Heads, 250 Stems Pittosporum Variegated, 250 Stems, 280 Mini Gerber Daisies, 300 Tree Fern Stems, 400 Pomander Flowers Balls, 500 Carnation Heads, 900 Carnation Heads